Love Story Who are you? Episode – 1

Author : Sonali

I am sitting in the living room with a bag of jewelry on my body and a saree and a veil made of stone work. Although the room cannot be called a living room. Because this room is not decorated like a living room. But the room is huge and much nicer. Looking at the things in the room, it is clear that I have become the wife of a big family. All the things in the room are strangely beautiful. It is said that the mind is beautiful and the eyes are beautiful. Every thing has a touch of nobility. But I don’t understand a single thing that they gave me so much jewelry and expensive clothes for the wedding, but why didn’t they decorate the house? I have no headache about it though. Because my father suddenly gave my marriage. Until yesterday I didn’t know that today is my wedding day. I was quite surprised when I found out about the marriage this morning. Because how can someone get married in one day? And We never saw each others.

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More than that, three days ago, my beloved younger brother died in a strange way. None of us know the exact cause of his death. My brother Yasin was my only friend and playmate. I loved him so much. I still could not accept his death. I don’t know why my father thought of marrying me three days after Yasin’s death. I couldn’t help but look at my father’s face. Because I am afraid of my father. Although father never raised his hands on me, he loves me very much. But I don’t know if my father and mother were paying too much attention to me. Never allowed to go anywhere alone. He was not allowed to go up to the roof in the evening. He was not allowed to go near the window. And even after I became so big, mom used to sleep near me at night, and again, mom used to hold my hand in hers all night. Never let me sleep alone. My name is Sonali Akter Chandni, lovingly my father and mother always call me only Chandni. And my brother Yasin used to call me Chandnipu. I used to fight with Yasin all the time. Yasin and I used to burn my mother together all the time. But when I saw my father, both of us would turn into basil leaves washed in milk. As if there was no one else as innocent as us.

The house we lived in is in a quiet place a little away from the city. There are hardly any houses around our house. No one in our house used to go to anyone’s house and no one came to our house. So Yasin was my brother, friend and playmate. But I don’t know what happened suddenly. Yasin and I were having fun three days ago in the evening. While having fun, I suddenly notice how a storm is coming up outside. So I opened the window and looked out. And then a bat entered the room through the window and began to fly over my head.The bat’s eyes were incredibly red and terrible looking. I screamed in fear seeing the bat. Hearing my scream, Yasin hit the bat with a stick. At that time, father came from nowhere and threw something on the bat. Perhaps the water was the thing. The bat immediately squeals out the window. And father closed the window and scolded me a lot. Dad never scolded me like that before.

Love Story Lyrics

Then at night everyone sleeps normally like every day. But when I wake up in the morning, I hear my father and mother crying. I didn’t understand anything then. I walked slowly to my parents. And what I see in front of me is as if the sky is falling in my head. The ground under my feet moved. Because in front was the wounded body of my beloved brother Yasin. Yasin looked as if he had been torn to death by some terrible beast. I could not bear seeing Yasin’s condition. I turned my head and went down.

I later came to know from my mother that some terrible wild animal had entered the house at night and killed Yasin like this. Even though I didn’t believe it, I had to accept it.

I don’t know why father buried Yasin’s body very quickly. Since then, our house has been very quiet. But mom and dad should pay more attention to me. Although I don’t know the exact reason for this. However, it seemed that after losing Yasin, maybe my father and mother are doing this because of the fear of losing me.

Three days after Yasin’s death, dad Ammu suddenly gave me in marriage today. Even if I didn’t want to, I couldn’t agree on my father’s face. I don’t even know who I’m married to. I don’t know what he looks like or who he belongs to.

But when dad gave my hand to my groom and handed over my responsibility to him. Then I only saw his hand. His hand was much fairer. And it was quite soft. I haven’t seen his face yet. Even when the father-in-law came home in the car, the two did not speak to each other. After coming here an old lady welcomed me. Perhaps she is my grandmother-in-law. I didn’t even look at him. Because I had a lot of pain and pride in my mind.


I was brought back from my thoughts by the sudden opening of the door. He entered the room and closed the door. Realizing his presence, I moved my head a little further forward and sat down. Seeing him closing the door and coming towards me, I prepared to greet him. But before I could say anything he said

— Hello,

Hearing his greeting, I answered the greeting with some hesitation.

— Hello,

He might have smiled a little as I saluted back. I can understand his smile even from sleep. He came and sat near to me and said. I am very sorry! Chand you have to sit alone for so long. Actually there was some work outside so it was a little late to come.

About six feet tall, milky white skin color, thick beard on the face, eyes like magic, two dark brown eyeballs, short black hair, nose square like an arrow. wearing White Color Golden Color Crafted Sherwani. Seeing him, I forgot everything. I am watching him with a shameless laugh. And I wonder if it is a person or a man sitting in front of me.
Seeing me laughing, he smiled and looked away

— If you are done researching me, come and perform ablution and pray together with the moon.
I was very ashamed of his words. I was really looking at him like an idiot. I want to go underground in shame at this moment. Seeing me blushing, he said with a light smile again
— There is nothing to be ashamed of. Go to the moon, freshen up and perform ablution. We will pray together.
Hearing his words, I looked down with a shy face and said
— My name is Chand, not Chandni.
Hearing my words, he laughed a little harder. Then he said
— I know your name is Sonali Aktar Chandni, but I will call you Chand. Just understand the moon?
I was very angry after hearing his words. I said to myself angrily
— Ishash has come to call me Chand, why don’t I have a name or should I be given a new name? And what’s with so much laughter. Do you have to smile all the time because it is so beautiful? I’m not less beautiful, but don’t even look at me, how arrogant. in mind
He may have heard my thoughts. So he said in a soft voice

— Sometimes you have to control your desires. Otherwise the objective cannot be achieved. I will get a lot of time to see you in life if God wants. Now go do ablution and pray.

Hearing his words, I swallowed dry. God knows how he understood my thoughts. But how can I be fresh now? For example, I am wearing a saree and jewelry. It is difficult for me to stand up with them. How to pray
He said to my surprise

— You don’t have to pray after reading these. Look, there are many clothes for you in that closet. Get one from there and change it.
I was surprised and got out of bed. I didn’t say anything. But what kind of question stuck in the mind. How is he understanding my heart?
Keeping the questions in my mind, I proceeded to the cupboard. Then I was even more surprised when I opened the cupboard. There are many sarees, salwar kameez and sunnati dresses in the closet. And surprisingly all of them are my size.

I pulled myself together and picked out a very beautiful yellow colored salwar kameez for reading. But when I took off my body jewelry, I got into trouble. So many jewels can be opened alone. I started scolding him in my mind
— Ishsh, what a lazy person my father married me to. Hey, if you don’t help to open the jewelry then what was the need to give so much jewelry.
Before I could finish my thoughts, he came on his own and started helping me take off the jewelry. He asked to take off the jewelry
— I should have asked you to help me open the jewelry. What is there to complain about the moon?
Hearing his words, I turned to him and looked at him. Then I stuttered…

Have you heard my thoughts? But what?
In response to my words, he smiled again but did not say anything. Ugh just annoying. I don’t understand why there is so much laughter in words. I feel as if I am crazy with such a beautiful face smile on him. I want to pull his cheek a little. Bajjat keeps laughing without understanding, the devil doesn’t like it.
After saying the words in my mind, I finished opening the jewelry and went to the washroom with my clothes. Before leaving, I clearly understood that he was smiling. Uff, I don’t understand why there is so much laughter, father.
After getting fresh in the washroom, I floated him in the sea. The anger seems to have gone to my head.

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After a while I came out of the washroom fresh. I went out and saw him waiting for me with two prayer cards. I also stood in prayer with him without waiting.

Sitting on the bed and looking around the room. After praying, he asked me to sit down, where did he go? So I sit and stare at the whole room. Suddenly my eyes fell on the window on the south side of the room. The windows are of very beautiful royal craftsmanship. I don’t know why I really want to open the window and look outside. I went to the window without limiting the desire in my mind. The window looks more attractive from up close. When I was going to open the window, he came from nowhere and grabbed my hand. Then he said in a slightly angry voice
— Why did you come to the window moon? Didn’t I tell you to stay in bed I’m coming? So why did you come here?
After listening to him, I lowered my head and said slowly
— In fact, I really wanted to see what it was like outside the window. And the window is so beautiful,
After saying this, he took my words and said
— No matter how hard you think, never open the window after dusk even if you make a mistake. Do you understand how you stay in your father’s house?
— How did you know that it was forbidden to open the window in my house after evening? (surprised I asked)
— I know everything, now let’s go to bed.
Hearing his words, I swallowed dryly in fear and said to myself
— Go to bed, what does he mean?
— Hey Moon I mean it’s late so go to bed and sleep. Do you have to get up to pray again in the morning?
I got some peace after listening to him. Then I stepped towards the bed. But a question remained in my mind. How does he understand my mind again and again?
I put the question away and sat on the bed. He sat in front of me and said without looking at me

Don’t be upset Chand, when your father has given all your responsibilities to me, then I will do everything for your good, remember all the time. I live and not live, you will never open the window after dusk. I hope you remember this.
I did not say anything in response to his words. I am sitting quietly with my head down. Then he took my right hand in his right hand. Suddenly, holding hands like this, I was a little surprised. He gave me that deadly smile again when he saw me getting up. Then he handed me a very beautiful and strange kind of bala and said
— Every husband in the house gives something to his wife. But I didn’t just give you this bala as a gift. Rather, Allah will protect you from all dangers with the help of this prayer. Even if you make a mistake, never take this necklace away from you, it is your husband’s command, Moon.
After hearing his words, I was a little surprised and looked at him and said
— I did not understand your words. What danger will I face again that this Bala will protect me. And what is in such a simple ball?

Hearing my words, he smiled and said
— Go to sleep, the moon is late at night. Must get up in the morning.
I was a bit annoyed by his words. He is not giving a correct answer to any of my words. Just avoiding, what kind of people are you, father. He wants to stop fighting with her. But if you quarrel with the groom at night, what will everyone say and what will he think?
I fell asleep thinking about these things. He also slept on the opposite side of me. But keeping some distance from me.

I’ve been lying down for a long time but I can’t sleep. Remembering Yasin too much. I miss the fights with him so much. A few drops of water fell from his eyes while thinking about Yasin. Then he called me and said
— Chand Cholo, let’s spend the night together talking, I can’t sleep at all. You can fight with me if you want. But I don’t fight too bad.
Hearing his words, I jumped up in surprise. Then looking at him, he said before I could say anything.
— Oh you still don’t know anything about me don’t you Moon. Well, if I tell you everything about me first, then how about starting a story or a fight?
Listening to him, I am not saying anything but looking at him dab dab. Her hair is moving lightly while talking, her lips are light pink color and they are talking beautifully. The beards are moving in sync with his speech. Why is he so beautiful? Boys are so beautiful. He wants to press his cheek and say why are you so cute. Seeing me looking like this, he looked away from me and said…

— Saying that moon if you are looking at me like this then how can I tell you about myself. I will die in your sight. Please take your eyes off me and don’t say that in your heart.
Hearing his words, I quickly removed my eyes from his direction. Shame, shame, since when did I become so shameless? And this guy is just embarrassing me. Tell me who told you to be so beautiful. I just want to stare.
I sit with my head down, I don’t have the strength to look up in shame. I am alone in a room with an unknown man for the first time in my life. But instead of my fear or shame, I swallow her with my eyes. What will people tell me if they know? Just thinking about it makes me want to die of shame.
When I was busy with these thoughts, he said
— It happened, don’t be so ashamed. Do you know that you feel like a wife when you are shy?
I was very angry after hearing his words. Ishash himself is beautiful, will you call me a wife or not? I am not less beautiful. Five feet five inches tall, fair complexion like her but my cheeks turn red when I get angry or shy. My eyes are not too big but very beautiful, my mother used to call me Mayabini because of my eyes, my hair is long to my waist, I have pink lips and chubby cheeks. When I was in school when I was younger, all my friends told me that they would be scared of me if they were boys. I have always heard compliments on my appearance from everyone. And this man called me wife. How brave this guy is. I wish to explain the fun of calling me wife by pinching the batter.

Suddenly hearing his laughter broke my meditation. I don’t know why he keeps smiling. Ishsh what a cute smile. My eyes locked on him again. Anger has gone like wind.
After laughing for a while he stopped laughing and said
— Moon Do you know that you are a madman? And you have no idea how these crazy things are hurting me. Please shut up or I’m going to go really crazy.
Hearing his words, I made my face Bengali five and said

When did I say again, I am silent?
Hearing my words, he smiled and said
— No, nothing, moon. Well, listen to my identity. My name is Shamim Hasan, and the old woman who married you is my grandmother, meaning your grandmother-in-law, she lovingly calls me baby. I have no one else in the world except my grandmother. And now you are my other world. I know everything about you and your family. Your father also means my father-in-law knows me. So he handed over all your responsibilities to me. And it is my duty to protect you from all kinds of dangers.
I was surprised to hear what he said…

— What danger do I have again that dad has given you my duty?
Hearing my words, he sighed and said

No, that’s what I was saying. In fact, all the responsibilities of the wife must be taken by her husband, right?
— yes
— Well, I want to tell you one more thing, I am Chand. But I don’t know how to say it.
After listening to him, I lowered my head and said slowly
— Say I’m listening no problem.
Hearing my words, he took my right hand in his hand. I looked at him with surprised eyes. He looked at me once and then looked down
— Moon you are my wife and I am your husband. But for some special reason I cannot give you the right of a perfect wife. We will live in the same house together but like all husband and wife we will not have an affair.
But I promise you that when the time comes I will make you completely mine. Till then I want you time Moon. Can we not be friends until then?
I don’t understand anything about his words. But showing anger in my heart, I said
— Look at the way he talks. Saying as if I am dying to be married to him. Hey, if you’re ten miles away from me, I live. I’m glad to know that haha.

Romantic moment

He let go of my hand and smiled
— Thanks Chand, I knew you would keep my word.
Hearing his words, I looked at him in surprise. Oh, I haven’t told him anything yet. So how did he know?
We talked a lot more at night. I don’t even know when I fell asleep while talking.
In the morning, I woke up hearing the recitation of the Koran in a sweet voice. I saw Hasan reading the Koran while sleeping. Ishsh is so sweet. And how sweet is his voice. I keep looking at him and listening to him reciting the Qur’an.
After a while he finished reading the Qur’an and looked at me and said
— The moon rises and comes fresh, we will pray together.
I don’t know what happened to me after listening to him, I got up like a bound girl and went to the washroom to freshen up. But every morning my mother had to fight rhythmically to wake me up for prayer.
After getting fresh, we prayed together. After the prayer, he took out a blue colored saree from the cupboard and handed it to me
— Today is the second day of your wedding, so come down in this saree and get dressed beautifully. Grandma might be up by now.
After saying that, he started to leave. I said to myself as I watched her leave

I can’t wear a sari. Now how do I read it? She is ashamed to tell him.
Suddenly he turned to me and said
— I am sending Kuheli to help you wear the saree. don’t you worry
After saying that, he left. I laughed and watched her go. He seems to be understanding every word I say in my heart. But how is it possible?

Next episode

Thank you.


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