Love Story Dangerous Lover Episode-1

Author : Imtihan Imran

He is holding my cheek and kissing me continuously on the lips.

I am choking, but still he doesn’t let go. When I can’t help but bite his lips, he releases me. This makes him doubly angry. Pulling away from the lips and biting my stomach, I screamed. He was annoyed to hear my screams. Shut up, don’t shout at all, it won’t do you any good. This is my kingdom. Please leave me. Why are you doing this to me? Imran did not respond to Mim’s words and said, Hush, don’t want any disturbance during romance.Imran takes the saree from Mim’s body. Imran slowly unties the saree and moves towards Mim. Mim steps back. Imran comes closer to Mim. Please don’t do that to me. Hearing who said what, Imran came to Mim and pushed Mim on the bed. When Mim got up, Imran came on the bed and pressed Mim’s hands against the bed.

Why are you running away from me? I love you so much, don’t you, the bigger thing is, you are my wife, I can do everything with you now, I have that right. I don’t love you, I don’t accept this marriage either. You are forgetting, you married me by blackmail. Why don’t you want to understand, I love Aman. Imran gets angry hearing Aman’s name in Mim’s mouth. Blood rushes to his head. Imran angrily attacks Mim’s lips. He is biting her lips instead of giving love. Mim is struggling with pain, but can’t stop Imran in any way. Her two hands are locked in Imran’s hand. At some point Mim fainted. Imran moved from Mim. Looking at Mim’s face, he said that Why don’t you understand, I love you since childhood, why don’t you understand that it hurts me to hear someone else’s name in your mouth.

I have been waiting since that small time, one day you will grow up and understand my love. But what did you do, fall in love with someone else. I did nothing for you. But what did I get in return? Just neglect. Mim will have to suffer, a lot of pain. Imran took off the sari from Mim’s body and threw it down. He left the room by tearing some parts of the blouse. Imran is standing on the roof, his eyes are red, tears are coming from his eyes. He is suffering twice by hurting Mim. He wants to forget his pain by smoking one cigarette after another. But is it really possible? Imran’s phone rings. Imran picks up the phone and sees his mother’s phone. Imran answers the phone.Imran where are you? Here I am. Why? Meanwhile, an incident has happened, your Zahir Ankel’s daughter Mim cannot be found. So why are you telling me? What should I do? She is our neighbor, we have a responsibility. Don’t look, find the girl somewhere. Ok.


Imran hung up the phone and burst into laughter looking at the sky. The game is just beginning… hahaha (with devil smile) As soon as Imran entered the room, he threw water on Mim’s face. Imran came down from the roof and returned to the room. Mim’s consciousness has not come yet. Imran sat next to Mim. You cannot be allowed to live in peace like this. Imran got up and threw a glass of water on Mim’s face. Immediately Mim opened her eyes, wiped her eyes, looked ahead and saw Imran, she jumped out of bed. Ugh, look at yourself instead of me.

After hearing Imran’s words, Mim looks at herself. Looking at herself, Mim gets a big shock. She looks at the floor and sees that her saree is lying. Many parts of the blouse are torn. Mim takes the saree from the floor and covers herself. Mim understood what happened to her. Ah, what’s the use of covering up like this? I’ve seen it all (with a devilish smile). Mim looks at Imran with hateful eyes. Tears are pouring from her eyes. This is how the man finished her. You finally showed your caste, why did you do this to me? One day you will pay for this, I will never forgive you. Leave these words, now you will definitely not want to go to Aman again. You will definitely not want to cheat Aman.

You have nothing to give Aman. You don’t feel ashamed, you admit it with your mouth. You did these things to enjoy my body, didn’t you. It’s yours to enjoy. Leave me now, let me go. Or is your hunger still not satisfied? Uhu, hunger will not be satisfied in one day, I want this beautiful body every night, that’s why I got married.Now don’t talk anymore, make me a cup of coffee and bring it. I can’t, I’m not obliged to listen to a bad boy like you. When I was good, I didn’t pay the price. Look, don’t be angry with me. You have to listen to me, you are my wife. You have to do what I say. Did you buy me because you are married? And no matter how many wives you marry? I do not accept you as a son-in-law, I will not accept you. I will only accept Aman as my son-in-law. Blood rose on Imran’s head. He slapped Mim’s cheek. Holding a fistful of Mim’s hair, he said, Aman, Aman, Aman.

What do you find inside this Aman, what is inside this Aman, what has he done for you? Don’t test my patience. Otherwise the result will not be good, I said. I will blow both you and Aman to the ground. Mim’s eyes are watering due to pain Kill me, I will still speak of Aman. You won’t get better, you won’t let me get better either. I won’t say anything to you now. Make coffee for me and bring it. Get over it. If you’re late, I’ll tell you. What to do if you are late? The condition of the lips is already yours, I will play the twelve of something else. And I can do all that. You know that very well. Mim did not say two words. Walked out of the room. Wait, there are clothes in the wardrobe, change. Mim goes to the washroom with clothes as Imran said.
Mim goes down to the kitchen after changing clothes to make coffee. Mim is standing and making coffee. Suddenly he feels the presence of someone behind him. Mim looks back in fear.

Uhu don’t be afraid like that. You shouldn’t expect anyone but me. Why did you come here? And why are you standing back? My wife is where I am. Imran said this and hugged Mim from behind.Immediately Mim wants to jump up but Imran hugs Mim tightly. Why are you doing that, it’s not right. Leave me? What is right, what is wrong, I understand, do not come to understand me. You are really a barbaric person. I see, I can’t accept you. But you insist on everything. Aman would never do that if I were you. This is one name Imran can’t bear, that is the name Mim says repeatedly. As soon as Imran hears Aman’s name, Imran throws Mim on the kitchen floor. Showing anger, he walks away.

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Dangerous lover

As soon as he heard Aman’s name, Imran threw Sinha on the floor. Mim fell on the floor and felt a slight pain. Two drops of water came out of her eyes. Mim got up from the floor and left the house through the front door. Where are you running away?
Mim stops hearing Imran’s voice. Mim looks at Imran and says, I’m not running away, I’m not staying with you, so I’m leaving. It’s so easy. I married you to leave, you have to stay with this Imran forever. You want it or not. I won’t stay with you (screaming). You have to stay. Come with me, let’s make a decision today. How do you expect me to behave? Imran comes and holds Mim’s hand and leaves the house. Where are you taking me?

At your in-laws house, Mim is surprised to hear Imran’s words. Imran is taking her home, she can’t believe it. Mim doesn’t say anything, silently goes with Imran. As soon as Imran came to his house, he started shouting “Mom”. Hearing Imran’s scream, Mrs. Jaham comes down to the drawing room. She is surprised to see Mim with Imran, but Anak is soon happy. Found Mim (with a smile). Mim didn’t get lost anywhere, I took him. I mean (surprised) why? I love him, so I married him.

Mrs. Jahan goes to extreme stage of surprise. She can’t believe her ears. Did she hear the truth or a lie. Mahbub Sahib also comes and hears the words in Imran’s mouth and gets a huge shock. Imran, what are you talking about, what do you mean by getting married? Are you ready? After a few days Mim’s wedding, don’t you know? The head is fine, father, marry your wife. Whose wife, whose groom, you married me by force, kidnapped my brother and forced me to marry. I don’t accept you as a son-in-law.
You love me, but I don’t love you, I love Aman. Imran gets angry hearing Aman’s name in Mim’s mouth. He slaps Mim’s cheek. Imran has forgotten that his parents are here. Imran’s mother gets angry at this scene. She shouts Imran and slaps Imran on the cheek. You put your hands on girls, that too in front of your parents. You are so degraded. I hate to even think of you as my son.

He did a horrible thing, slap him again. I love her, from that childhood, so I can’t live without her. And now she is my wife, why would she bring someone else’s name to her mouth? But he doesn’t love you, he loves someone else, just like you can’t live without Mim, so Mim can’t live without him. I don’t understand so much, he will stay with me in this house, otherwise I will leave with him. Can’t go anywhere except jail. Seeing Zaheer Saheb, Mim runs and hugs him and cries. Zaheer Saheb also hugs his daughter. Imran kidnapped you, I know everything. He tortured you a lot, didn’t he? Mr. Zaheer came with the police, he said to the OC of the police, Mr. OC take her to the police station, take her to the police station, this has tortured my daughter.
Uncle asked whom to take to the police station to give better middle, his daughter’s son-in-law.
mean (surprised)! I mean, I got married to your daughter, she is now my wife.


Zaheer got angry and grabbed Imran’s collar.
You bastard, I will kill you. My daughter will be married to Aman, my daughter will not be with you. Your daughter has no choice, she has to stay with me. I will take my daughter immediately, with me.
When Zahir Saheb wanted to leave with his daughter, Imran stopped him. Then OC Saheb came forward and said to Mim, Mim you want to be with this boy (Imran).
no don’t want OC sir has tortured my daughter, for that let’s take him to the police station. Mr. OC did so, put his hand on Imran’s hand and started taking him. Mrs. Jahan and Mr. Mahbub are not stopping him, his son deserves it. Imran looks at Mim, Sorry, I didn’t understand my own good, I made a big mistake today. I am coming to discipline you.
Dangerous Lover Come Back Again…

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