A Romantic Love Story ‘Dangerous Lover’ Episode-2

Romantic Love Story By Imtihan Imran

Zaheer came home with Mim. Mim came home and went to his room. He came to his room and slept on the bed. Imran’s words are spinning in Mim’s head. Every time Imran’s words come to mind, fear is entering Mim. The way Imran controlled him, I don’t know what is on his forehead in the end? If Imran gets him, he will kill him and make him a beggar. Imran is brought to jail. His head is on fire, he will not have peace until he punishes Mim. Ayan has already arrived at the police station. He is the leader of this area. Seeing Ayan, the OC stood up. Mr. OC, who did you bring to the police station? This boy kidnapped a girl and tortured her. Hey, you keep these things, you didn’t steal this boy, you didn’t snatch him. He can eat your job immediately if you want. Immediately let him go. The OC got scared after hearing Ayan’s words. He hurriedly let Imran go without saying anything. Ayan came out of the police station with Imran. Meanwhile, Aman comes to Mim’s house. Ayan was not in the country for three days, he returned to the country today. Mr. Zaheer saw Ayan and greeted him.

Romantic Love Story

Did Uncle listen, Mim was kidnapped by the boy next door. Yes, but don’t worry now, he has been caught by the police. Where is Uncle Mim? Look, it’s in the room. Aman is standing in front of Mim’s room door. can i come Hearing Aman’s voice Mim got up from the bed. Aman you? Come in. When? I came here to meet you. sit down No, I will not sit, let’s go out for a walk with you. I won’t go now. Please don’t, please. Mim could not accept Aman’s request, so he agreed to Aman’s words. Mim Aman called a rickshaw and went to their destination. What to do now? I will pick up Mim now. The girl doesn’t love you, leave her. Imran gets angry after hearing Ayaan’s words. Suddenly Imran noticed a rickshaw, he thought it would be Mim.

Imran ran towards the rickshaw, stopped in front of the rickshaw. Suddenly someone came in front of the rickshaw, the rickshaw puller braked hard and stopped the rickshaw. What Imran thought, that’s right. Mim in the rickshaw. As much as he is angry seeing Mim, he is doubly angry, seeing a boy sitting next to Mim. On the other hand, Mim is afraid to see Imran, today is his last day on earth, he is feeling it very much. Hey brother, who are you? Why did you come in front of the rickshaw and stop the rickshaw? He did not rob me, but took my wife for a walk. What are you talking about?

I am telling the truth. If you don’t believe me, ask my wife who is sitting next to you, with whom I am living. She will not want to deceive you, she will tell the truth. Aman now looks at Mim. Mim, what he is saying, is it true? Mim has his head down. What will he say, what does he have to say? What Imran is saying is true, but he does not mean these things from his heart. Why are you silent? Aman gets down from the rickshaw after hearing Mim’s words. Shit, I’m going to marry a girl who’s a cheater. Caught fooling around with someone else, drama is being staged.
Big boy, I’m sorry, I don’t want to have any more relationship with you, I won’t have any more contact with you. Aman, please listen to me. Hey keep your word, bitch girl. Hearing Aman’s face, Imran slapped Aman’s cheek. Hearing Aman’s words, Imran angrily slapped Aman’s cheek. What kind of love do you have? You don’t believe in the person you love, you can’t stop talking nonsense about him? It’s a shame. Aman showed anger and left that place. This is your love Aman’s love example. Now come with me from today I will show you my love (holding hands).

Everything is for you, I will not go anywhere with you, leave me alone. Tell me what you want. How many times do you want to get married in your life? You are already married, you should be with me now. Why don’t you want to understand, I love you (Imran held Mim’s face)? Stay in this word. The word no can come out of the mouth. Imran called a car and forcibly took Mim to his own address. Imran came to another house with Mim.

He locked Mim in a room. Ayan is also with Imran. Ayan, I will not stay in this country, I want to go back to London. You can arrange a passport and ticket for me. But what is the problem here? Mim will want to run away again and again if she stays here, I’ve torn this girl to pieces. This girl can be properly disciplined there. Well I am making all the arrangements. Ayaan immediately left Imran’s house. Imran opens the door of the room where Mim is kept and enters. When Imran enters, he sees what he sees. Everything in the room is scattered, many things are lying on the floor. Imran has no idea, Mim has stormed over everything. Imran slapped Mim’s cheek in anger. One of Mim’s hands was twisted. Mim screamed in pain. How dare you break my things? Tell me who will pay the fine for them? Be angry with me. Let go of me, getting pain (want to release hand, but Imran holds tight).


When things were broken, I did not remember. In pain, Mim’s eyes watered. I will not stay with you, leave me. So who will you stay with, that Aman. He has left you now, why do you mind staying with me now? I will stay with my parents, but not with you. Why don’t you stay? Tell me what I don’t have? Which can’t keep you happy (screams). Hearing Imran’s angry shout, Mim lowered her head in fear. Not even a single word is coming out of his mouth. Imran walks away from Mim. Because he doesn’t want to vent his anger on Mim. Then it won’t be good for Mim. Ayaan comes. Imran hands passport, ticket. Night flight. How to persuade Mim? I don’t know if I will agree.

I have to manage unconsciousness for a while. What do you mean? Imran gives a devilish smile. Ayan looks at Imran in surprise. He doesn’t understand what Imran is trying to do. After evening, Imran came to the room with food. Imran came to the room and saw Mim sleeping. Imran sat next to Mim. Mim wants to hurt you a lot. Looking at your face again, I feel very bad, how can I hurt you. Just looking at your magical face, all my anger disappears. Imran calls Mim. Mim, this mim get up. Imran’s call, Mim wakes up. Nibu Nibu looks at Imran. As soon as he sees Imran, Mim quickly gets up and sits on the bed.

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